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Eternal Flames: A tantric tale of love and rituals

Eternal Flames: A tantric tale of love and rituals

"Eternal Flames: A Journey of Tantric Love" is a captivating tale of Mia and Ethan, a couple whose journey transcends conventional love. In their quest for deeper connection, they embrace the ancient art of tantra, weaving it into every facet of their lives.

As they grow older, their exploration takes them beyond their own intimate bond, venturing into the realms of open relationships and spiritual companionships.


With each chapter, discover a world where love is fluid, and connections are boundless. Mia and Ethan face challenges, from confronting personal insecurities to embracing connections with others, like Elara, who brings a new perspective to their lives. The book intricately details various tantric rituals and practices, inviting readers into the couple's private moments of discovery, truth-telling, and profound intimacy.


"Eternal Flames" is more than a story; it's an odyssey of emotional depth, spiritual awakening, and the unending quest for self-discovery and collective growth. It's a testament to the transformative power of love and the enduring flame of passion that burns through the changing seasons of life.


Join Mia and Ethan in their journey through love's complex tapestry, where the eternal flames of passion, exploration, and deep spiritual bonds illuminate the path to a fulfilling and enlightened relationship. This book is a must-read for anyone who seeks to understand the depths of intimate connections and the potential for personal transformation through love.


Each chapter includes a ritual practice for you to begin and build your own rituals and practices.

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Pre-orders will be shipped early March 2024
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